a big sister

Pippa has always been great with kids. She doesn’t have an aggressive bone in her body, seems to recognize the need for gentleness with little ones and isn’t too interested in stealing their food. However, we had only seen her with other people’s kids; we had no idea how she would act when one became permanently part of her family.

We knew she would be sweet, but we thought she would get pretty jealous. Her reaction and maturity has blown us away.

I make a conscious, daily effort to make sure Pip knows she’s the big sister and her role in my life has not changed. She is still just as important as before we brought this little human home. Therefore, she gets treated equally and called sister.

When we first brought Avera home, Pippa didn’t show much interest. She came over to the carseat, sniffed and walked away. She was more interested in our visitors.


This course of action continued for a while. She would notice her occasionally, stick her head in Avera’s seat, sniff and go on about her own business.

She gradually started getting a little protective. But only in a friendly, you’re-my-best-friend kind of way.

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She sits by her, gives her kisses and tries to play a little.

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Their friendship is developing before our eyes.

One of the cutest big sister things she does is react to Avera crying. Pippa simply shows concern. She perks her ears up and looks at me like, “Mom, my sister is crying, go pick her up!” She will walk back and forth between me and wherever Avera is to get me to follow her to the baby.

At 3.6 months, Avera is noticing Pippa much more. She follows Pip with her eyes, laughs at her and sticks her tongue out in attempt to lick back when Pip gives her kisses!

She now makes a strong effort to pet Pippa.

These two girls bring me such joy! To watch their friendship develop is one of the happiest and fulling parts of my life.
